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UNIURB Shares Insights on Translational Pathophysiology at Udine Congress

The rapid transfer of research knowledge to clinical practice is transforming healthcare, providing clinicians with new methodologies and information to address previously unsolvable problems. Central to this progress is a new approach based on system pathophysiology, which integrates clinical sciences, -omics, basic sciences, computer sciences, artificial intelligence, and emerging technologies. In biology, the word omics refers to the sum of constituents within a cell. The omics sciences share the overarching aim of identifying, describing, and quantifying the biomolecules and molecular processes that contribute to the form and function of cells and tissues. This innovative framework is at the core of Translational Pathophysiology, the foundation for future research and advancements in health.

The Italian Society of Pathology and Translational Medicine (SIPMeT) is dedicated to accelerating this transfer of knowledge from research to clinical applications, ultimately benefiting patients. At the annual congress in Udine, 19-21 September experts gathered to share their insights on these integrated approaches.

Our project partner the University Carlo Bo of Urbino (UNIURB) proudly participated, introducing the CheMatSustain project, showcasing how sustainable chemistry and materials science can contribute to the future of translational medicine and healthcare innovation. We marked our presence by submitting an abstract about the CheMatSusatin project, as well as by presenting a poster. The abstract is available in the abstract book here: , and the poster (P158) can be viewed online until the end of 2024 using the link: This congress provided a valuable platform for exchanging expertise and further advancing the role of research in improving healthcare outcomes.

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